Try changing: (Default)
<script async src="//pagead2. js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
To: (Fixed version - If the above code is not working for you.)
<script async="async" src="//pagead2. js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
In the above example - Adsense will provide you with the code that has (async) and that's totally fine but in some cases this will not work on . And the updated version just has a bit difference in code as you can see above. Let me know in the comments below if it worked for you or not. Don't forget to say thanks =) andTesting using the #googleads at the end of you page URL
Okay, in Adsense account you will find a link to test this ads but you can run it to errors. These are the requirements for the test to work:
This might happen so, test it in your smart phone or any mobile device.
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